
Monitoring of video surveillance systems


Securing the flow of people is becoming a major issue. The entire public transportation value chain, from equipment manufacturers to transportation operators, is focused on a complex technical and economic challenge: how to provide client-users with enhanced security while increasing accessibility and reducing operating costs. In particular, surveillance along railway lines is a challenge both in terms of safety and operational optimization. Several tens of thousands of IP cameras will be able to send valuable data, beyond the IP video stream. A connected information system will offer new capabilities and services to operators: real-time camera switching, web access to video, device monitoring, smart maintenance, etc.


IT Link has developed and provided Third-Party Application Maintenance services for an application to monitor a large inventory of video surveillance equipment.
The high-availability system enables the real-time collection and viewing of video streams from more than 1,200 cameras.
IT Link has contributed its know-how to create what will be a real Industrial Information System connected to IP camera objects
- At the top layers: Information system, WEB application development, data analysis, etc.
- For the linking of IP cameras and IP transport layers of the video streams and data provided by the cameras

Factory & Ops
Work-package project and ongoing maintenance
Apache Tomcat, Java/Spring and VLC technologies
Factory & Ops
Work-package project and ongoing maintenance
Apache Tomcat, Java/Spring and VLC technologies
Factory & Ops
Work-package project and ongoing maintenance
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